This is her amazing review (I couldn't believe she wrote it, honestly.):
A truly amazing & inspired writer's fantasy of the "other world" of vampires has come to life in this mind-bending and hard-to-put-down book. You really see the characters come to life and the settings feel so incredibly realistic, it's like your very own movie. Creative, mysterious, suspenseful; all but boring. I literally have to snatch it away from my boyfriend so I can finish it.
I love it. The simple prolouge will have you hooked by page two.
This book earns a fabulous 5 STARS hands down !
It's simple, you'll look at other Dracula stories and movies in a completely different persective after reading The Dark World.
Kudos to a very good book.
And with that, I get some rest. Night, writers. :) It's things like that ^ that make me love what I do.