Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The Rest of What I've Been Working On...
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Something New I've Been Working On...
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Oh Dear
I find it difficult to explain just how far I've fallen off the writing...nay, life wagon. Things have been absolutely strange for me, and my 2nd book has changed at least twenty times thus far, I believe. But I think now, I've gotten it straightened out, but who can be sure, yeah?
I know I must keep up with this blog as it is my gateway to these lovely writers that I have made friendships with and I don't wish to see those friendships dissolved.
Yes, well, on to my book. Before, I started off time and time again and nothing made sense, but as with my last book, I realized I wrote certain things then left it and came back, mixed some things around, and realized what I had already written went together perfectly with what I already had -- I merely had to mix things around to make it all fit.
Xavier has just met the most interesting Creatures that all seem to be working with him on this grand quest for the book, and his world is about to get much larger as The Immortal's Guide goes on, I do believe.
I'm off to write some more, at this rather late hour. (2:36 a.m.)
Take care my lovelies.
Sheron Parris
Friday, September 10, 2010
Associated Content and The Autumn Accident
You can read the short story here: The Autumn Accident: A Vampire's Mistake
I wasn't sure if it'd be published at all mind you, as the people in charge of the site actually review it and decided if it's to be published or not. I was so excited when I read the email. :) Be free to leave comments on the AC site and follow my work there as I'll be writing much more on there. I realized writing with a deadline and a theme was invigorating, as the story I fashioned out was good, so good in fact I wanted to share it with the whole world. And I have. :)
And another thing, Scribophile is an amazing site. I suggest you all go check it out. It really does wonders for your writing.
Sheron Parris
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
And in my personal life, things seem to be getting weirder. A close friend had a ****ing heart attack the other day, died for a few minutes, and came back to life. I'm still trying to process that. Trying to write my sequel (I've decided to start over from the beginning -- don't worry I've kept the original draft). Trying to get my life together. Just trying to live. It's rather hard when death is everywhere I turn this year. I don't understand it.
On another, cheery note, my guitarist and I are looking for more band members. We hope to start playing some shows in December so there's that. Music calms the soul -- and gives me inspiration for my writing. =]
I'm off to write, and critique some more work on Scribophile.
Happy Writing.
Sheron Parris
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Writing And Not Getting Distracted
I recently started writing again. I just happened to be in the bathroom (sorry), when the thought came to me to add more to a specific scene in my sequel. I wrote as much as I could and went up to bed. (It was miserably late.) I'm pretty happy with what I came up with, it moves the story along as it should.
Hum. As for Authonomy, I've recently stopped going on the site once I learned it was only used to peddle the authors there to self-publish. As it stands, only one or two books have actually been published by HarperCollins once they reached the Editor's Desk, and the people there aren't interested in your work -- and if they are, it's usually followed by a "I backed you, so you back me." The design and purpose of the site is faulty and I don't see the pleasure in manipulating others just to get higher in "rankings" so I can get to the famed "Editor's Desk" just to struggle to stay on the Top 5, only to be glanced at by Editors and never published. The amount of "Self-Publish Your Book Here" Ads on the site should have raised some alarms from me sooner, but I ignored them. Like one person said, Authonomy is one huge Slush Pile.
And instead of wasting my time there, I've decided to write, write, write, and write some more. Again, thank all of you who commented with support during my trying time. I appreciate you all and wish you the best in your writing careers.
Take it easy you lovely people.
Sheron Parris
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Another Anxiety Attack and Figuring Things Out
And I was getting all worked up over joining the Creative Writing club and doing this and that within the college but it wasn't meant to be, I'm sure of that. I had a minor anxiety attack that was forthcoming [I could feel it all day] and it escalated when my mother said "You had all summer and you didn't do anything." Yes, mother, I didn't do anything then, because I wasn't 100% that I wanted to go to college.
If anything, now I have enough time to gather myself, what I need...etc. in order to register for January (if I still wish to go, then). By then, I'll have my license and I'll have my head on right...I do hope.
These few months I've been blessed with, I really need as my life has been spiraling somewhere that I don't know is sane. Whatever. I haven't touched my book in DAYS (feels like weeks), so I believe I'll try to tackle that right now. (Sigh)
My Vampires have reached the second city they need to get to in order to find the book they need. Is it there? Who knows. I'm going to figure that out right now.
Take it easy, m' dears.
Sheron Parris
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Bad News All Around?
I can't even...I'm in pure shock.
I'm going to go see my cousin later on or in fact, tomorrow. But for now [sigh].
I can't even....
Take care. Stay safe. Stay healthy you lovely people.
Sheron Parris
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Anxiety Attack, Release, New Beginning
- Nausea
- Insane migraine
- Pain in the mouth and throat WITH the migraine
- And crying brought on by the fact that I hated what was happening to me, and the migraine SUCKED, and the pain sucked -- which only made the pain worse and made me cry MORE.
*I went to the doctor and he just gave me Tylenol. What the hell is that? I HATE medication and knew he wouldn't be able to single out the issue before I went. [Sigh] Why don't I listen to myself more? Would've saved me twenty bucks.
[Deep breath]
I haven't written anything as of late because of the slew of things that have happened recently but I'm sure I'll get to my sequel tomorrow. I've had it open for days and haven't stared at it once. Kind of odd for me. But whatevs. My personal life needs a drastic re-haul. I've decided to focus on my health for the time being, because it's important, no?
Oh, and I got another rejection today guys. Woo!
Seriously, rejection is amazing. Suckish, yes, but that only means that I have more time to understand myself, my writing, where I want this series to go, and what I want to do with it before I try again. Freedom, no?
And have you guys been clued into the weird weather as of late? The storms over here, NY, in the end of August (pretty weird), and I heard there was some fire tornado in Brazil, and TWO water SPOUTS in the ocean. What the hell is going on?
I actually like this insanity. It's...refreshing. New.
Stay lovely.
I need some sleep to recharge (still feeling pretty weak).
-Sheron Parris
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
College, Home, and Solace
At any rate, I'm glad to be back home, if only for some sleep, and to wake up to head back to my old high school, get the transcript, go back to the college and register officially. (Sigh) I keep repeating to myself: I am happy, I am happy, I AM happy....
Of course it's not true but I've grown up placing my happiness on the back seat for others, I know it's wrong now because I'm all unwilling to "step out into the world," because quite frankly, I see the world as complete shit and yes, I DON'T wish to be apart of it. That said, I like the college. It's nice, and if I can get some good writing classes and theater, I don't give a shit what else I get.
Now, on the to the writing:
My true friend in this time of retardation (is that word, I think it's a word). Writing, my aid in a time of turmoil. (Heavenly sigh). Oh sweet writing. [Dances in mid-air while wielding black roses.]
Ahem, yes, in lieu of finally making some sense, I'll begin with this: I've reached Chapter 20 in my sequel...[holds for applause]...and now I've no idea where else to take it. A lot more must's just the working out of GETTING those things to happen. I find myself REALLY wanting to skip ahead and just write the goddamn ending already. ;) {Who's with me?}
And now, [clearing throat], I speak more on character development and plot, whereas I would if I knew what the hell I was talking about. I've a headache the size of Mount Rushmore, I feel as though I'm being pulled in 20 directions, and I can't even face my book right now (please tell me I'm not the only one).
Thus, I leave and find solace in tea, the television (damn you corporate America), and the last Harry Potter (reading for the 20th time I think. I'm at the end and it's so terribly horrible. That said I CAN'T WAIT for the first part of the ending -- the movie, I mean. Expect a full review when I go see it.)
[Waves hand to fellow lovely writers.]
Tra la la.
Sheron Parris
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Haven't Blogged In Days...
And for once I applaud the excessive action in my book -- it's helped to smooth things along easily. This is a short post, as I've a short attention span right now and feeling like doing something else.
So off I go. To read books probably. Or to write.
Sheron Parris
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Entering Contests and Submitting to Literary Magazines
And also I've been looking for literary magazines to submit work to. I've found a few and submitted work thusly. Here's to building an anthology of my work, eh?
[Sigh] I'm exhausted and don't feel well at all. Just came home from a barbeque and my aunt who's been reading my book online, told me she liked it...etc. I'm glad. Just wish it wasn't online as everyone complains about their eyes hurting after a few minutes to 30. [Sigh] Eh.
I need some sleep.
Stay saucy you lovely writers.
Sheron Parris
Friday, August 13, 2010
My Query Letter
The dreaded query letter is below. But before we get to that, I feel I must explain what it took for me to get there in the first place. When I first came to the world of publishing, agents, query letters, proposals, and rejections, I was a naive little girl who'd just written a horrible first draft, hadn't edited it at all, and wanted to know what had to be done to get my book published. So I Googled. And boy did I Google. And the more I Googled, the more my anxious, naive countenance fell. Hard.
All of the apparent work and whatnot that apparently went into getting an agent was a far cry away from what I'd thought it'd be. I stepped away from the world of publishing and went back to my manuscript and decided to make it more marketable for the sake of attracting ANYONE besides family and friends. It took about a year or two before I was truly happy with what I'd uncovered beneath the horrible first draft. And then (now) I was ready to try again, this time with a smarter mind about everything, knowing what to expect. (I'd been rejected once and LOVED IT. It was so liberating. Can't explain it. But of course, that Query letter was absolutely horrid as I couldn't pinpoint the main plot of my story. I KNOW. How horrible, right?)
Now that I have pinpointed the main part of my story, I have moved on to the sequel, and I have understood more about what my series can bring to the world of writing. I've decided upon my target audience, and though I'm well aware my word count is far too much for a first time author, I'm still sending this out there. (Word count can be cut down later -- I want to see if an agent loves my story first.)
So, here is my query letter. Note that I don't have any credentials, and have just left a sentence thanking the agent and stating that I am more than happy to send a few chapters or the entire manuscript at their request.
Tell me your thoughts:
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
3 Queries Sent Out Back to Back and Billy
(sigh) I recently recovered a script I wrote entitled "Billy" that I'm super happy about. I wrote it sometime last year, or the year before, and it's as demented as I am, if not more. For "Billy" I took the age old "imaginary friend" we all have, and asked myself "What if "Billy" or "Bob" or what have you wasn't a friend? What if he/she were against you? Wanted your life?" Thus "Billy" was born.
It's about a teenage girl who has a girlfriend, yet also has another self, a subconscious if you will that has a mind of her own. Yes, Billy is a girl, folks. =] Everyone who's read it so far loves it, if only the skip over the girl-on-girl action -- well, if you count a girl kissing herself girl-on-girl action. Beh.
I'm absolutely exhausted. Sending out queries should be considered a job in itself, eh?
Good luck my fellow writers!
We've only but good times ahead of us!
Keep Writing.
Sheron Parris
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Death and Release - Writing That Flows
Or something.
I speak of course of my own grandmother's death earlier this year. The same day of my prom, actually. Devastating, yes, I didn't really allow it to sink in until the following days of prom where I cried my eyes out until the funeral (where I only cried some more). Also liberating in a way. Don't know how yet but I guess the fact that I've managed to get through a few months without seriously breaking down is a start.
Oi, this has gotten too personal.
I guess I mean to say, that if one of your characters die, and you have experienced a death of someone close to you, use that emotion, what that conjured, in your writing. And even if you haven't, don't be scared to give someone the axe as it were. You just may get farther than if that person remained alive, hindering you from writing freely.
Something about a light load. Hm.
So, yes, writing, I'm going back to that now. Happy reading, writing...etc.
So the lovely LReneeS is to interview me and I'm terribly excited. I'll keep you posted about that. A friend came over, and she is one of those that I share all of my writing with -- as I'm typing away, she's right there devouring everything I write -- [dances] and we shared some words, got to see each other face to face over pizza and soda and [sigh] writing. The most exhilarating thing in the world. So she's decided to make a fan club for me and my series[1][2], which I find...extremely flattering -- I find it amazing that someone likes my work so much they wish to dedicate a club to it -- and I'm not even published (novel-wise at least). Friends, eh?
So I found this site through way of one of LRenee's interviewed authors, Julie Musil's blog, and she apparently writes like Stephen King! Haha. Awesome. I had to try this site out so I did and I apparently write like Dan Brown! Crazy, eh? Here's the link for I Write Like, enjoy it and share with me who it is you write like. You may be surprised.
Happy Writing.
Sheron Parris
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Pages and Perhaps Too Much Character Development
And (sigh) I've been writing insanely as of late and I think there's a bit too much action in this book for the time-being. Perhaps I have to step away from the computer for a bit and then come back to it and read it all over, all...slow and interested, like I've never written it before, or something. Hope that works.
So I've cut down on my tea (for those of you who don't know, I'm a tea addict), because I believe I need a change or something. Bleh.
So I think I'm gonna get back to that writing now. Or maybe some tea and eggs...hmm.... (strokes chin thoughtfully)
Happy Reading...and Writing you lovely people.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes = Love
It's like the most perfect song ever. Makes me all warm and fuzzy and just...
Hoooome, I'm coming hooome, home is wherever I'm with you. <3
So yeah, I have a playlist up and thus, I am going to go back to my writing now. May upload the prologue of my first book in a page on this blog, and then the first chapter or so of the sequel in its own different page. Agree? Or no?
Leave your comments.
And remember kiddies,
Home is wherever I'm with you. <3
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Charmed and Blazing Through Chapters
Anyway, I've written all of Chapter 15, which is miserably long, I think, and am currently writing the beginning/middle of Chapter 16. [squeals with excitement] Alexandria (the only female human in my story) is coming along greatly with characterization. I think my favorite things to write, besides all those action scenes, are the subtle romance scenes between her and Christian. It's so funny and cute to see the chemistry between these two characters, even if they don't see it themselves. They've been thrust together by the fate of...their world or something and they've no choice but to remain together because everyone else is far too busy to take care of her. It's hilarious, to me anyway.
So, I'm writing and must go back to do so.
Sheron Parris.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
So much has happened in the book and I quite like the fast pace. It's fast without being so "in your face, too much is happening and I can't get any of it." It's all action because the ease the Creatures used to face in the first book are now gone and Eleanor Black is terrorizing them, that, and personal problems are being brought to light, relations are being revealed, and just a lot is happening all around that I'm proud of. It's much darker than the first one, that's for sure.
I won't be posting any part of that book on this blog, if you want to read it you'll have to go to Authonomy and read it there.
The Link:
Enjoy. ;) I must go write some more.
Sheron Parris, tootles.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Untitled Story Expansion
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Untitled Story, Authonomy, and The Strange
The Butler: A Short Story
Now, moving onto my next piece, this I actually hand-wrote April 21, of last year (2009). I don't have a title for it and it cannot even be called complete but I feel I should post this up if and in case I get a surge of ideas as how to expand on this.
So, without further ado, here is
Thanks for reading, I'm Sheron Parris, and you, you're in for some bloody times, my friend.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
The Butler: A Short Story.
Now, without further ado, here is
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The Beach, Books, And Music
Monday, July 12, 2010
Chapter 13 of The Immortal's Guide after a complete wipe out of my laptop several days before;
I went to a barbecue the other day and there my photographer of a cousin and model of another cousin were there. Apparently we're to have photoshoot in the City today, eh, I've no idea what's going on anymore. I don't know how I'm to get out there as I have no metro card and I don't know how to work my way through the subway (as sad as that is).
[Sigh] I'm miserably tired and I must allow this section of my book to finish up itself before I can trudge to my bed and sleep until deep into the evening.
I shall try to update this lovely blog once more as I now have the means of updating it, looking forward to your lovely posts and hearing your writing stories, whoever follows this blog. (I'm convinced no one reads this.)
-Sheron Parris
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Writing and Updating
I'm up to Chapter 16 of my second book and I'm loving it. [Sigh] It's all crazy and whatnot and I'm trying to sort out the plot now as I don't even know what it is anymore. I think between life, and life, and more life, writing has gotten oddly...strange. Or perhaps it's because this is the second book -- whatever it is, I'm fighting through it.
And apparently there's a SMURF movie coming out next year.
Two words:
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Anywho, I managed to surpass a crucial point in my book that dealt with interesting shit. And I'm dying to write again but the damned prospect of school. Argh. Oh and then there's the Senior Speech that I must give on Monday, mind, I've written nothing down. I believe I'm too just go up and bare my soul as it were (doubt many could handle it) and hope for nothing. (I'm terribly out of the school mindset. Summer just get here already!)
Anyway, I must trod to school. Tootles and all that fine footwork.
Monday, April 19, 2010
That is me reading my copy of Nightlight. A most lovely book which I've recently finished and loved the ending of. Oh my goodness, it's everything Twilight needed and MORE. Yes, it was hilarious, but the story really got me. Case in point: The MC [main character] grew as a character and realized "Hey I don't want a Vampire. I want a regular, geeky, teenage guy." That is realistic. And adorable.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Two Comments...and my heart's a-swelling.
The Dark World: A Beginning Book Page
I've posted the entire book up so you can view it through the seperate Chapters. And as the comments indicate, I'm quite certain I have to chop the book down, and not "overwrite." (What does that even mean?) So those are my new years revolutions (I know, I'm a bit late. Shush you.) and I'm-a sticking to 'em. I'm quite excited honestly to be going back to my book and to really chop it down to where it's [even more marketable], and more [reader friendly].
As my heart swells with the constructive critcizm I recieved (I'm just so happy that someone read it and LIKED it), I know what I have to do and I'm set about doing it. I'll just wait a bit to see what my fellow teacher (whom I've allowed to critize the book in an objective manner) says about the book -- which I think is the same as what I know to do with it.
On another note, I've acquired the copies of Nightlight and New Moan and I've laughed riotously over the first chapter of one of the books. Amazing. I love Parodies.
I'm signing off. Must go evaluate my book and all that writer-ness.
Sheron Parris™
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Books, books, and more books!
The books I ordered came today! Oh great joy! And I shall have my camera in a few days time so I'll update this post with pictures included.
Anyway, this post shall be sort as I have homework to do and whatnot, but I must say I cannnot tear my eyes away from the covers of these books. One is paperback, another is hardcover, BOTH should have me in stitches.
As you see, these books are parodies of Twilight -- the Twilight "Saga" -- whatever you wish to call it. They're hilarious from what I've read of the back covers. One names Bella, Heffa Lump, the other: Belle Goose. I call it genius.
I don't think I'll get a chance to write [and I've gotten the idea to give Dracula his own book; I've started writing it in a book (really odd)] tonight as I have homework to do, but I REALLY want to read 'em. [Sigh. Giggle.]
Oh, and tell me if you like [or dislike] my new page design. The banner was done by me [obviously] and it took all of 5 minutes.
Sheron Parris™
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Slow Sunday
How I Feel: Sluggish and Despondent. Oh yeah. Mentally kicking myself to do Yoga when I click "Publish Post."
I know I've neglected this blog as school consumed me as of late BUT I think the 0.01% of you that glimpse this blog shall be glad to know I've kept up my writing (of course) once school projects and papers were out of the way. [Did a Research Paper on Horror Movies and re-fell in love with Dracula (Bela Lugosi interpretation), and immediately vowed that I would do my Vampires honestly, with less superficiality, and more...grit.]
Not to say they weren't that way before, but I realize, when I was writing the first book I was so very young and only had the movies of old, and a few books that I'd picked up as my guide to vampires -- and now, well now, and many won't deny, I don't think, that my vampires are any different from what's been out there (pre-Twilight, of course). It's merely the characters and what they must go through.
If I haven't said it before, I'll say it now, my book is not set in the present, it's rather a period book. Set in the 17th or 18th century, which, I'm not entirely clear on but at the end of the day I don't believe it matters:
The quest for human perfection is as real then as it is now and that's what I think strikes with those who will read this series.
There is no hopeless romance, as the Gods know I can't stand them myself to an extent (here's to looking at you Twilight), but I'm more of an adventure, internal conflict, fall in love along the way kind of person. Not to say I won't fancy a meaningless romance here and there (not looking at you Twilight), but it just has to mean something end of the day and sad to say, not many books out there do mean anything.
Anyway, I'm super excited for the last installment of Harry Potter and I can't wait to see Part I, due out this November 19! Ahhhh. I've glimpsed an early trailer and I'm freaking out within. (I've followed that series since my mother bought it for me years ago -- I STILL read it here and there.)
And [sigh] I've nothing more to say, only that this summer I shall definitely go to task on my [first book] and work everything no matter how much it kills me. I will have a lovely query letter, synopsis, and book proposal all neat and ready to go and by betcha gee golly whiz, I will obtain an agent!
(How's that for determined, eh?)
(None of you will see the me that cries herself to sleep at night, wishing to high heavens that I had the gall to send out a query letter. But what you don't know won't hurt, right? Right?)
What I'm listening too: The Messenger - Thrice
How I feel: Better. A bit better.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Descent (Back) Into Darkness
Looking over some poems and short stories I did years ago when cutting myself was the norm and when depression loomed like a dark could over my head, I realized I had lost everything that made my writing back then spark, with life, with truth. The emotions may have been "dark and depressing" but they were what I was feeling, they were my truth even if it were the majority of what I wrote.
The short stories, the dreams I penned, they all rang clear with Vampires. [Sly grin to self.] The one I am most proud of is titled "The Strange" and its sequel, "The Unknown." My Gods, those are fantastic, I can't stop reading them over. Another favorite short story I wrote was titled "The Butler." Simple but effective, I think.
I look at my novel now, complete in all it's commercial glory and I wonder why it shifted when writing. Indeed, it was dark and gory when I first sat down to write it, but along the way, I thought no one would care to read it, it wouldn't be picked up by a publisher...etc. And reading other blogs and whatnot, I see that I was right. There is nothing on the web about the "niche" I have. My writing is intense, deep, lovely, sinister, dripping with blood and desire, craving, lust. My Gods I cannot believe I gave in to commercialism!
I shall continue to write my current Vampire Series and seek representation, but I vow that all books from then on shall be true to my nature:
Dark, beautiful, bloody, soul-baring, and completely me.
'Till later,
Sheron Parris™
Monday, February 22, 2010
Fantastic News!
So I trudged my butt to school against my greater will and I'm quite glad I did, for I ran into the lovely Ms. Williams, I mentioned in previous posts, and she told me immediately that she was throwing a Literary Reading at a Lounge near NYU. She invited me to come and read some of my stuff, advised me to create some business cards and get my name out there. Floored, heated, and heart-a-racing, I somehow managed to agree, not at all knowing what in the world I would do, what I would say, what would happen; quite naturally, I silently freaked as I'm prone to do. But just the idea that an agent (or anyone) would take interest in my work is what is propelling me forward to put my foot out there.
I may have to call forth the acting skills I've gained in Drama class to do this but the good part is, I have a month to get my manuscript copywritten, print it all out like three times over, and lay everything out. I'm excited, nervous, maybe even scared. I've never been in this kind of predicament before, don't know what to expect or anything so I'm just...[sigh]...holding it together.
Wish me luck? ;)
I'll be writing my sequel and am willing to expend a chapter or a few paragraphs of my manuscript, depending on who you are and if I deem you trustworthy. Just ask if you wanna read it. =]
Sheron Parris™
Friday, February 12, 2010
Writing a Query Letter Shouldn't = Stress
Writing this letter for the pass 2 or 3 days had made me realize that I'm not happy. And if I'm not happy, why am I trying so hard? The thoughts of my book being the "next Harry Potter," surely drive me forward but then I thought, "What if it isn't? Am I basing my whole writing career on trying to impress the masses? Not everyone is going to like this book. All I need is to love it. Get an agent to love it too and a publishing house to love it as well -- find it marketable and pass it on into people's [mostly friends and family's] hands.
I thought of self-publishing but I decided I didn't want this book to be of crappy quality. I wanted it to be out there for the world to see and decide if it's worth a read, not to just be hiding in the backseat of a friend's car as they exclaim, "My friend wrote a book!" Yeah, how long would it take for that whole excitement to die down if I self-published? Not long, that's what. I'd rather go through the ropes and get an agent who will work with me through the ups and downs and get my book out there.
I've been reading blogs like crazy where agents and authors tell us how to write the perfect query letter, yet using their advice, I wasn't getting anywhere. It all seemed like stressful work and it shouldn't be. I recalled the moment when my book was done, or even, when I was still writing it. That elation. That proudness. I don't think it should go away when trying to sell the book, but that's just me, perhaps.
I know this book is gold, 'cause to me, it is and I know I will find the agent that is willing to represent me because they love the idea I portray and they want to sell it.
All this doubt and second-guessing isn't getting me anywhere at all. I've written like 20 pitch paragraphs, all less than amazing that don't portray what the hell is going on in my book. [As there are a lot of things that do go on.] But I have pinpointed the precise plot and I've worked with that for the past few days.
Basically, I guess I'm saying, the fun shouldn't leave writing [no matter what we're writing] and it should all be taken lightly. The world won't end if you don't land an agent...tomorrow. ;) My advice to authors is to stop being so hard on yourselves and allow your passion for your craft to flourish. The agent you're querying should be able to pick up on your enthusiasm and passion for your work in the letter.
-Sheron Parris