Friday, September 10, 2010

Associated Content and The Autumn Accident

Hello all, yes, I've recently signed up to Associated Content, and I chose one of their assignments (for freelance, or not so freelance writers) which was to write a short story in a Fall Theme. I had Four Days to write it, but needless to say, I cranked it out from the top of my head in about 3-4 hours.

You can read the short story here: The Autumn Accident: A Vampire's Mistake

I wasn't sure if it'd be published at all mind you, as the people in charge of the site actually review it and decided if it's to be published or not. I was so excited when I read the email. :) Be free to leave comments on the AC site and follow my work there as I'll be writing much more on there. I realized writing with a deadline and a theme was invigorating, as the story I fashioned out was good, so good in fact I wanted to share it with the whole world. And I have. :)


And another thing, Scribophile is an amazing site. I suggest you all go check it out. It really does wonders for your writing.

Sheron Parris

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I gotta say, Sleepy Kitty, Scribophile is the most amazing site I ever had the pleasure to join. I've already critiqued a work and the mere insight it's given me is just phenomenal. Thank you so much for the site. =]

And in my personal life, things seem to be getting weirder. A close friend had a ****ing heart attack the other day, died for a few minutes, and came back to life. I'm still trying to process that. Trying to write my sequel (I've decided to start over from the beginning -- don't worry I've kept the original draft). Trying to get my life together. Just trying to live. It's rather hard when death is everywhere I turn this year. I don't understand it.

On another, cheery note, my guitarist and I are looking for more band members. We hope to start playing some shows in December so there's that. Music calms the soul -- and gives me inspiration for my writing. =]

I'm off to write, and critique some more work on Scribophile.

Happy Writing.

Sheron Parris

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Writing And Not Getting Distracted

Things have recently settled down and I just want to thank everyone that commented on my blog when I was M.I.A. for a bit.

I recently started writing again. I just happened to be in the bathroom (sorry), when the thought came to me to add more to a specific scene in my sequel. I wrote as much as I could and went up to bed. (It was miserably late.) I'm pretty happy with what I came up with, it moves the story along as it should.

Hum. As for Authonomy, I've recently stopped going on the site once I learned it was only used to peddle the authors there to self-publish. As it stands, only one or two books have actually been published by HarperCollins once they reached the Editor's Desk, and the people there aren't interested in your work -- and if they are, it's usually followed by a "I backed you, so you back me." The design and purpose of the site is faulty and I don't see the pleasure in manipulating others just to get higher in "rankings" so I can get to the famed "Editor's Desk" just to struggle to stay on the Top 5, only to be glanced at by Editors and never published. The amount of "Self-Publish Your Book Here" Ads on the site should have raised some alarms from me sooner, but I ignored them. Like one person said, Authonomy is one huge Slush Pile.

And instead of wasting my time there, I've decided to write, write, write, and write some more. Again, thank all of you who commented with support during my trying time. I appreciate you all and wish you the best in your writing careers.

Take it easy you lovely people.

Sheron Parris